General FAQs
1. What is UrBioNet?
UrBioNet is a global network for urban biodiversity research and practice. UrBioNet has received an initial 5-year funding period for establishment, running from 2014-2019, from the U.S. National Science Foundation. The data tools and network will continue to run after this period is completed.
2. What is the purpose of UrBioNet?
The purpose of UrBioNet is to develop a network of researchers, practioners and data to understand the patterns and drivers of urban biodiversity in order to better monitor and manage biodiversity in cities. UrBioNet has six main goals.
3. How is UrBioNet organized?
UrBioNet is directed by Charles Nilon and Myla Aronson and guided by a steering committee comprised of 13 members from 5 countries. UrBioNet’s members range from researchers, practioners, government officals, organizations and citizens. Working groups are composed of UrBioNet members who are interested and focused on particular themes.
UrBioNet is a global network for urban biodiversity research and practice. UrBioNet has received an initial 5-year funding period for establishment, running from 2014-2019, from the U.S. National Science Foundation. The data tools and network will continue to run after this period is completed.
2. What is the purpose of UrBioNet?
The purpose of UrBioNet is to develop a network of researchers, practioners and data to understand the patterns and drivers of urban biodiversity in order to better monitor and manage biodiversity in cities. UrBioNet has six main goals.
3. How is UrBioNet organized?
UrBioNet is directed by Charles Nilon and Myla Aronson and guided by a steering committee comprised of 13 members from 5 countries. UrBioNet’s members range from researchers, practioners, government officals, organizations and citizens. Working groups are composed of UrBioNet members who are interested and focused on particular themes.
Membership FAQs
1. How do I join UrBioNet?
On the ABOUT page, select the link at the bottom that says, “Join UrBioNet” or select the "JOIN" tab at the top.
2. Are there membership fees?
No. There are no membership fees.
3. Can I become a member of the network if I do not have data to contribute?
Yes. You can become a member even if you have no data to contribute.
4. Do I have to attend meetings to maintain my membership?
This depends on your level of involvement with the network. We will have network meetings at URBIO conferences,, smaller meetings at other national and international conferences, and focused workshop meetings.
On the ABOUT page, select the link at the bottom that says, “Join UrBioNet” or select the "JOIN" tab at the top.
2. Are there membership fees?
No. There are no membership fees.
3. Can I become a member of the network if I do not have data to contribute?
Yes. You can become a member even if you have no data to contribute.
4. Do I have to attend meetings to maintain my membership?
This depends on your level of involvement with the network. We will have network meetings at URBIO conferences,, smaller meetings at other national and international conferences, and focused workshop meetings.
Data FAQs
1. What types of data can I contribute?
Datasets from published and unpublished studies on birds, plants, mammals, fishes, and invertebrates of urban areas.
2. Can I contribute data that have been previously published?
Yes. You can contribute data that has been previously published.
3. Can I contribute unpublished data?
Yes. Unpublished data can be contributed.
4. What types of data are needed?
Datasets from published and unpublished studies on birds, plants, mammals, fishes, and invertebrates of urban areas and across urban-rural gradients.
5. Who controls my data?
You do. UrBioNet will serve as a clearing house for urban biodiversity data. The original owner of the data will decide who can have access. An individual that directly contributes data to UrBioNet is called a custodian. A custodian may be a person who owns the original data or may act as a representative of all individual contributors in a collective dataset. Intellectual property rights in the data remain with the data custodian. Custodians retain the right to withdraw their data at any time.
6. How can I upload/download data?
Contact Myla Aronson, [email protected]
Datasets from published and unpublished studies on birds, plants, mammals, fishes, and invertebrates of urban areas.
2. Can I contribute data that have been previously published?
Yes. You can contribute data that has been previously published.
3. Can I contribute unpublished data?
Yes. Unpublished data can be contributed.
4. What types of data are needed?
Datasets from published and unpublished studies on birds, plants, mammals, fishes, and invertebrates of urban areas and across urban-rural gradients.
5. Who controls my data?
You do. UrBioNet will serve as a clearing house for urban biodiversity data. The original owner of the data will decide who can have access. An individual that directly contributes data to UrBioNet is called a custodian. A custodian may be a person who owns the original data or may act as a representative of all individual contributors in a collective dataset. Intellectual property rights in the data remain with the data custodian. Custodians retain the right to withdraw their data at any time.
6. How can I upload/download data?
Contact Myla Aronson, [email protected]